Armed with wide-ranging expertise and analytical capabilities, FSC scientists are prepared for anything that comes through its doors.

Researchers are expanding a specialized forensic method to identify people using proteins from bones.

Nuclear forensic work at Livermore began in the late 1980s as an outgrowth of the nuclear test program.

The FSC’s robust biological screening capabilities are assets for other research endeavors at the Laboratory.

Maintaining accreditation requires the successful completion of complex, fast-turnaround proficiency tests.

The national laboratory environment provides a mix of academic research and applied science.

LLNL’s Forensic Science Center (FSC) is home to nationally recognized scientists and capabilities that support chemical, nuclear, explosive, and biological counterterrorism. As one of two U.S. laboratories with international certification to handle chemical warfare agents, the FSC analyzes interdicted samples, provides radiological assistance 24/7, and engages in the critical research and development needs of the intelligence community, law enforcement, homeland security, and health professionals. FSC personnel are experts in analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and forensic instrument design and fabrication.

Neutralizing Acutely Toxic Chemicals
FSC research shows how cyclodextrins can be used to potentially save lives.